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Class 4


WELCOME TO YEAR 4 2024 - 2025!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a restful and fun-filled Christmas break!  Please find below some information on what we will be covering during this term and the knowledge organisers that will help your child understand some of the vocabulary and key concepts.


This term, we have a jam-packed curriculum of exciting learning opportunities including:

English: This term we will be learning how to construct our own play script based on the well known story of 'The Grinch'. We will also be linking some creative writing to our geography topic Misty Mountains and Winding Rivers and our science topic States of Matter. In poetry, we will be learning about Tetractys.

Maths: Our focus to begin with will be multiplication and division where we will build on our knowledge from the Autumn term. We will move on to length and perimeter briefly before a longer focus on fractions and decimals.

Times tables will play a big part in year 4 and we will be doing a lot of practise in fun ways to get the children ready for their Year 4 multiplication test in the summer term.

RE: In RE our focus is 'Expressing faith in Christianity and Hinduism' where we will be looking at the role of religion in both art and architecture .

People Skills:  Our topic will begin with Citizenship followed by Economic wellbeing.


Science:       States of matter      

This project teaches children about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristic properties. They observe how materials change state as they are heated and cooled, and learn key terminology associated with these processes.                                                   


Geography:   Misty Mountains and Winding Rivers

This project teaches children about the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.

Art: Vista (second half of Spring term)

This project teaches children about the techniques that artists use when composing landscape images, such as colour and atmosphere.

D&T: Fresh Food, Good Food

This project teaches children about food decay and preservation. They discover key inventions in food preservation and packaging, then make examples. The children prepare, package and evaluate a healthy snack.


French:  In French we will be learning how to understand and give simple directions, describe the weather, ask for foods when shopping and talk about prices.

PE: Our PE days are Tuesday afternoon and swimming on a Friday (until February half term.) As before, children should come to school wearing their swimming costume underneath their PE clothes on a Friday. This helps speed up the changing process, giving us longer in the pool!

Please ensure hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed. PE kit should consist of a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts of jogging bottoms and trainers. A black or navy hoodie can be worn for when the weather turns a bit colder. 


Alongside myself (Mrs Doel), Miss Jackson will be teaching  be teaching PE and music to the class on a Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Lowings will also be working in class with us on a Thursday morning.

Please find new Knowledge Organisers for some of the above subjects at the bottom of this page. It would be really useful as an extra homework task to read these through with your child to gain further knowledge about the subject topics we are learning.


The ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system will continue as usual across the school with children starting each morning and afternoon on a green card. Class Dojos can be earned by children for doing what is expected throughout the day, with Class Dojos of the Week being displayed in the class. Each Friday the Dojo winner of the week and runner up will receive a certificate  .

Platinum Cards are awarded for going way above and beyond and for really wowing! A certificate and prize will be presented in Thursday’s Celebration Assembly in front of the whole school. House points are also awarded for Platinum Cards and they will be displayed on the website Platinum page.

Yellow cards serve as a warning for not behaving as expected and red cards will be given if this warning is not heeded. If your child receives a red card, you will be informed, a break time will be missed to reflect on the behaviour, the incident will be logged and house points will be deducted.



Homework can be brought in on a Friday to show to the class after we return from swimming. After half term, the hand in day for homework will be reviewed. The homework menu is not  compulsory however, children are required to read at least 4 times a week to an adult who should sign their reading diary. This will be checked weekly.


Weekly Timetable  Please note that this is subject to change on a weekly basis. English, maths, spellings and story will remain constant.