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Class 3

WELCOME Class 3!

Happy New Year! It is lovely to be back into the swing of things. The children all sound like they have had a fun holiday and are now raring to go again! We are lucky enough to have a new student teacher this term - Mrs Ratcliffe will be with us until Easter. Below are some details about our curriculum for the Autumn Term - our topic is Rocks, Relics and Rumbles. (The knowledge organisers are on our useful info page if you want more details.) As usual, the children will still need to read 4x week - I will be checking Reading Journals every Monday and continuing with Reading Club on Monday break time. Thanks for all your support with this! Mrs Haythorn


Mrs Haythorn: Monday-Thursdays

Mr Stanley: Fridays

Mrs Ratcliffe: SCITT Trainee Teacher


This term, we have a jam-packed curriculum of exciting learning opportunities including:


Gospel - How could Christians best respond to the gospel of Jesus?

Children will learn that Christians believe Jesus’ incarnation is ‘good news’ for all people. (‘Gospel’ means ‘good news’.) That Christians believe his life, teaching and ministry embody what it is like to be one of the People of God, what it means to live in relationship with God. That Jesus’ example and teaching emphasise loving one’s neighbour – particularly the weak and vulnerable – as part of loving God.

Salvation - Was Good Friday really a good day?

Children will learn that Christians see Holy Week as the culmination of Jesus’ earthly life, leading to his death and resurrection. That the various events of Holy Week, such as the Last Supper, were important, for Christians, in showing the disciples what Jesus came to earth to do. That Christians today trust that Jesus really did rise from the dead, and so is still alive today. That Christians remember and celebrate Jesus’ last week, death and resurrection.


Rocks, Relics and Rumbles

In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.


Force and Magnets

In the Forces and Magnets project, your child will learn what forces are and what they do. They will learn about pushing and pulling forces and sort different actions into pushes and pulls. They will identify and explain contact forces. They will learn about and investigate frictional forces. They will use force meters to measure the forces needed to carry out everyday tasks and record their measurements. They will learn about magnetism (a non-contact force) and explore bar magnets. They will find out about magnetic attraction, repulsion and magnetic fields. They will test the magnetic properties of different objects. They will learn about the magnetism of the Earth and how this enables compasses to work. They will use this knowledge to make compasses. They will learn about the uses of friction and magnetism and carry out research. They will use different methods to investigate the strength of magnets.

Design & Technology

Making it Move

This project teaches children about cam mechanisms. They experiment with different shaped cams before designing, making and evaluating a child's automaton toy.



This project teaches children about artistic techniques used in sketching, printmaking and sculpture.

People and Places

This project teaches children about the genre of figure drawing. They study the figure drawings and urban landscapes of the artist LS Lowry and create artwork in his style to show scenes from their school.



Three Little Birds

All the learning is focused on the Reggae song: Three Little Birds. The children will learn that Bob Marley is one of the most famous performers of Roots Reggae music. He has helped spread both Jamaican music and the Rastafari movement worldwide. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, elements of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other Reggae songs.

The Dragon Song

This unit covers Traditional Folk tunes from around the world, celebrating our differences and being kind to one another. The song tells the story of Lesley the Dragon who flies around the world in search of friendship. The children will think about the issues of kindness, respect, friendship, acceptance and happiness. They will use their imaginations to create their own performance of the song.

People Skills


Children will learn about children’s rights; explore why we have rules and the roles of local community groups, charities and recycling and have an introduction to local democracy.

Economic Well-being

The children will have an introduction to budgeting, learn about the different paying methods, the emotional impact of money, the ethics of spending, potential jobs and careers and learn that anyone can aspire to anything.



Jumps With a turn - Look around arm when turning. Use arms to rotate in a ¼, ½ 3/4, or full turn. Land on the same spot bending at the knees.

Bunny Hops - Flat hands first, then feet -static and moving.

Point Balance - Using small body parts such as feet, hands, head or knees.

Patch Balance - Use large body parts, such as legs, bottom, back or stomach.

Sequence - Linking together a series of elements (skills).

Teddy bear roll - Start in straddle, roll onto shoulder, back, shoulder and then sit up.



Mon Corps – Children will learn parts of the body, to describe eyes and hair, know days of the week and give character descriptions.

Les Animaux – Children will animals and pets, numbers 11-20, how to give someone’s name and describe someone.


The ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system will continue as usual across the school with children starting each morning and afternoon on a green card. Class Dojos can be earned by children for doing what is expected throughout the day.

Platinum Cards are awarded for going way above and beyond and for really wowing! A certificate and prize will be presented in Thursday’s Celebration Assembly in front of the whole school. House points are also awarded for Platinum Cards and they will be displayed on the website Platinum page.

Yellow cards serve as a warning for not behaving as expected and red cards will be given if this warning is not heeded. If your child receives a red card, you will be informed, a break time will be missed to reflect on the behaviour, the incident will be logged and house points will be deducted.


For information on homework, please go to the Homework link at the top of the page.